Closet Socialist Hits Bucket List Item by Feeding Off His Fat-Cat Capitalist Junkie Habit
One reads about the likes of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg donating millions to charities but rarely do we hear about the ordinary organisation struggling to pay their bills and keep the office ticking over who have a bigger challenge when it comes to donating to charities. The likes of Dan Price can so easily go under the radar who aspired to spread his corporate wealth across all his employees and in fact gets criticized by some large corporations for rocking the boat!
This year I managed to achieve one of my lifelong Bucket List items, something that I have aspired to do since I was a young teenager, to donate what is a substantial amount of money for a company our size to a charity organisation. Our small little company, PMIS Ltd that is nestled in the sleepy village of Blessington, Co. Wicklow in Ireland donated €1,000 back in September to UNICEF Ireland for their Refugee Crisis Children appeal, but more importantly I was delighted to then follow that up with a further donation of €10,000 for their Corporate Matching Programme which gets launched this weekend 11-DEC-2015... Read more
Author: Raymond Poole, Managing Director of PMIS